We are T-minus 12 days until Christmas and we’re halfway through Hanukkah. It’s 2020 and the holiday celebrations are going to be a little different this year. I’ve written about an alternative gift-giving guide for the past couple of years. Many bloggers make their ‘lists’ to give you ideas with tangible items to purchase. Not opposed to giving gifts, it’s just at times I like to take a minimalist approach to giving gifts.
Again, nothing wrong with giving actual gifts, simply here to get you thinking outside the box. We can all agree that 2020 has been a time to pause and reflect. More so now during the holidays, giving thanks for all that we do have – health, family, friends, food – and keeping this year’s gifts simple yet meaningful.

Avoiding the Sales
Black Friday and Cyber Monday may have already passed this year, but keep in mind it really is best to steer clear. These days are geared towards the sale items and making the consumer think they’re getting a good deal. Retailers and advertisers know this. The sales are designed to take advantage of our desire to consume more. Some stores are even opening up earlier and earlier, even on Thanksgiving. Use this time instead of shopping and perusing online to start making your list of alternative gifts.
Creativity will be a must. Did I buy a few things on Cyber Monday? Sure, but it’s always hard to decide what I need vs want. As we’re not traveling with the pandemic this year or going places (as much) the items I bought have been helping me to start doing more things for the blog. I look at the purchases as a way to help me grow. Like I said, need vs want is definitely tricky.
Berry Chia Jam – I purchased a stand to shoot overhead shots and an app to help me edit the video – I think of this as a purchase that’s helping me to grow. Let me know what you think of the video!
Your Time is a Gift
It’s hard to put a price on your time. However, if I were asked “what one gift would I want to receive for Christmas? My answer would simply be, “your time”. Sounds cliché but it’s the simple truth. The people I care about mean much more to me than having the latest gadget. The next time someone asks you to make a list, let them know that the best present is their presence. Time is something hard to come by, even if you think this year all you have had is time.
In all of the hustle and bustle and stress of the holidays, I tend to stay close to home and decline offers at times. I need to remember that spending time with others might be the best thing for me sometimes. Yesterday I did an impromptu cookie drop off. Ended up social distancing for a bit with each close friend. Best 3 hours spent and was a gift to us all. Time well spent and with cookies too.

Give the Gift of an Experience
In past years, I’ve done this with a few friends for either their birthday and/or a celebration of some sort. While sometimes an actual gift is involved as well, most times it’s just the actual experience itself. Yes, I know money is involved, however, there have been memories made that will last a lifetime. If you have to find a few free things to do and/or set limitations with your friends/family, do so. Overall, I’ve had a good balance of free things mixed in with a few Groupon purchases as well.

And if you’re in need of a few more ideas for giving experiences instead of gifts, the possibilities really are endless:
- Tickets to a special event
- Home Cooked Meal
- Sunrise/Sunset Seeking
- Hiking
- Pass to a Museum/Zoo
- Magazine Subscription

Pass Your Gift On
‘Tis true, it is better to give than receive. If people ask what you’d like to receive as a gift, have a list ready of charities or non-profit organizations. They can donate what money they’d use in giving you a gift and give to that organization. One of my family members gives a gift in my name every year to an organization. One day I need to take a trip and really experience that gift in person. I’d love to see how we’re paying it forward.
Here are a few local organizations and one national giving back during this pandemic. When/if you’re able, these make great gifts in keeping our community strong. Additionally, it helps those that really don’t have enough to just get food on the table.
Ways To Give Back
- Doctors Without Borders – Great cause and a great need to help those that need it the most just to survive.
- Feeding South Florida – This is the local organization as there is also the national organization. Many have lost jobs in this pandemic and are wondering where their next meal will come from. Any amount you can give is of help.
- The Hungry Post – #FeedTheChain – This helps to keep restaurants afloat and give the food prepared to those in need. The hashtag #feedthechain was created during the pandemic. Raising money and giving food.
- Project Maracuya – This project is a way to donate fresh fruits and veggies from local farms to those in need. Farmer’s markets were closed for quite some time and many went online. Moving the local produce and supporting local farmers.
- Make A Gift. DIY. Most years when it comes to my co-workers I give a homemade gift. Love giving food as a gift. A few years back, I made a homemade peppermint sugar scrub. Coconut oil put to good use! This year, I kept it simple and gave the cookie boxes to a few. Homemade gifts are truly made with love.

It might be a difficult transition weaving minimalism into the holidays, from what people normally expect this time of year. The truth is your experiences build and strengthen the bond between you and the people you care about. They’ll understand, even if it takes a little bit of time. Happy Holidays!