Search Results for: roasting – Page 3

Beyond The Buzz IV

We’re on the final day of National Nutrition Month and this past week my co-worker and I did a Facebook Live through our marketing department at work with Baptist Health South Florida. If you didn’t get a chance to watch it live you can watch it here at this link . And if you don’t

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Perfect Brown Rice

Brown Rice. You hear the benefits of brown rice all the time – whole grain, fiber, vitamins and minerals. You get it. But what you don’t get? Instructions on how to make it. Keeping it real here on the blog and teaching you all the basics on how to cook. Starting with brown rice. When

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Sautéed Kale

2019 – the year of ? What vegetable is going to take over like kale and cauliflower have over these past few years. I’ve heard greens are where it’s at – so think dandelion greens, Swiss chard, collards – all filled with lots of vitamins and minerals, so it’s possible greens are going to be

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Trader Joe’s Haul

Trader Joe’s has been in Miami for only the last five years.  And truth be told the parking situation is such a nightmare I’ve only been a few times (to the store in Dade county).  Seriously.   It’s that bad.  Either my mother will pick me up a few items (she goes right when it opens

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Eat Smart. Add Color. Move More. Be Well.

February is Heart Health Month.   Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States.  Every year, 1 in 4 deaths are caused by heart disease.  Your father, grandmother, and aunt may have heart disease, but even with a strong genetic predisposition you can cut your risks dramatically by

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What Do I Cook?

This past week many of my patients began voicing their ultimate problem with trying to lose weight – “what do I cook?”  Some of them wanted me to simply write down a sample meal plan for them to get started.  I always counter it and tell them I don’t know exactly what they like to eat nor

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That’s A Keeper 4

It’s my Saturday morning ritual.  Long run, breakfast with my running buddy, and then planning my groceries for the week.  Yesterday I came home and began to sort through ALL the recipes I have.  I have a stack and I mean a stack of recipes just waiting to try.  I scroll through Instagram, Facebook, and now Twitter.  Yes, Twitter.  There are

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