Search Results for: potatoes – Page 5

Not Sponsored. Just A Fan. II

I wrote a piece a few months back about food bloggers and dietitians being sponsored to promote products.  You can read about it here.  While I am not a famous dietitian (or blogger for that matter) I didn’t receive much feedback or commentary.  No problem.  I’ll just keep doing what I’ve been doing for the

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November is Diabetes Awareness Month®.  The theme this year from the American Diabetes Association is #ThisIsDiabetes – “Whether you’re living with diabetes, caring for someone who is, or you’re fighting to stop it, there’s a hero in you.  One in 11 Americans has diabetes.  So put on your cape and take a stand.”  It’s a month to draw awareness to

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That’s A Keeper 8

The last installment of “That’s A Keeper” was from December 2016.  How did so much time go by again in between posts?  Two things – I post a lot of ideas on my social media and thus forget to do a round-up of sorts of the recipes and two, I’ve been a little cookbook obsessed. 

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A Little Bit of This…

I just got finished in the kitchen, doing my meal prep for the week. I take 2-3 hours on Sunday morning and devote to cutting vegetables for the week, making sauces to expedite cooking time during the week, and even a little baking. Today’s bread was an epic fail. I followed the instructions to a

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Currently Trending

It’s hard to keep up with my blog.  I do it on my own personal time and recently there hasn’t been much personal time.  With work I’ve been working crazy long hours (not by choice) but it is what it is.  And when I do have free time I’m cooking or baking – a girl

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Creating Healthy Habits NOT restrictions

I recently met up with a fellow dietitian and we started talking about the infamous “weight loss” topic.  We see many patients for weight loss and I was curious to see if he thought more people needed to learn how to eat healthy or if people were there for a general counseling session.  It’s hard for me as a

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What Do I Cook?

This past week many of my patients began voicing their ultimate problem with trying to lose weight – “what do I cook?”  Some of them wanted me to simply write down a sample meal plan for them to get started.  I always counter it and tell them I don’t know exactly what they like to eat nor

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I have been subscribing to CSPI, Center For Science In The Public Interest, for the last 10 years.  I call them the Nutrition Watchdog or the Nutrition Police.  Sometimes family members joke I’m the food police.  CSPI is “an aggressive non-profit consumer organization conducting innovative programs in nutrition and food safety.”  If you read their newsletter or follow them

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Small Changes, Big Difference

I hear it all the time in my office – “I’m not sure why I can’t lose weight.  I’ve tried anything and everything and still, no weight loss.  Sure a few pounds here and there and then I’ll gain it back”.  I really could put this story on repeat.  I’m not one to doubt people, and I’ll be honest,

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Kids Eat Right™

Mealtime Tactics My nephew was in town last week.  He’s an active, growing 4 ½ year old that barely likes to sit still to eat.   It’s hard to keep up with all the energy that he has!  When he’s hungry, boy can he eat!  I sat back and simply played the role of Aunt Amy, not dietitian Amy.  He’s normal

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